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Drum Seeder
Buy from us 8 row drum seeder or 4 drum seeder for uniform sowing, while maintaining consistency in space and density. Customers can select the seeder based on their capacity requirement.
Cono Weeder
We are a reliable provider of cono weeder and cono weeder components. This machine can be used in paddy fields for unrooting weeds. Weeding process is important to be carried out four times after sowing.
Barbed Connector & Fittings
Barbed Connector & Fittings are used to grip the inside diameter of a tube and seal the connection. These fittings are well-known for their decay resistance, perfect finish, robust construction, resistance to leakage and durability. They are very effective as well as economical and safe to use.
Spray Irrigation Kit
Get this spray irrigation kit with 8 liter per hour discharge rate, 16 mm (5/8 inch) inner diameter, and 250 micron i.e. 10 mil wall thickness. With several drip holes, this kit is used mainly for closely spaced crops.
Sprinkler Hose
Sprinkler Hose is designed and manufactured by making use of premium grade of raw materials and latest technology. This hose combines the features of a soaker hose and a water sprinkler. This product is tested under different parameters to ensure its excellent working.
Drip Irrigation System
Under our drip irrigation system category, we cover drip irrigation kit and kitchen garden drip kit. Both simple to install kits are used for increasing productivity rate and reducing labor cost, while cultivating all kinds of crop.
Rain Pipe
Made of HDPE, this range of Rain Pipes is leakage proof and these have around 300 micron wall thickness. Offered pipes can withstand 40 degree C operating temperature. Light in weight, these pipes have been designed as per ASTM norms.
Drip Irrigation Grommet
Drip Irrigation Grommet is also used in irrigation works. This helps to prevent these risks and ensure that wires and cables are protected and managed responsibly. This is used so that wires, rope, or cords can be put through your material without tearing through or misshaping the hole.
Rain Hose & Fittings
Rain Hose & Fittings are manufactured and supplied by our skilled workers by making use of optimum grade of raw materials and latest technology. These fittings are suitable for closely spaced crops, onion, vegetable crops, leafy vegetables, groundnut etc. They are very effective as well as economical to use.
Irrigation Tube
Irrigation Tube is manufactured using super quality raw materials and high technology by our experts. This tube is best known for its flexibility, watertight joints, safe material, flame resistance, longer lengths and durable in nature too. This tube can be easily purchased by our eminent clients at cheaper rates, in bulk quantities.
Spray Pipe
Spray Pipe is used in different applications like super spray, compressed air, gas welding and cutting, car/bike washing, general purposes and so on. This can be made available in different specifications as per the needs of our customers. This pipe is provided to customers at very reasonable prices.
Lateral Pipe
Lateral Pipe is ideal for conveying water, widely used in agriculture, fishery, project, household and industrial service applications. This is easy to assemble and are compact in sizes. This pipe has smooth surface finishing and ensures accurate performance. this pipe is very cost effective and safe to use as well as handle.
Flat Drip Irrigation PIPE
Flat Drip Irrigation PIPE is widely used and appreciated in the market for its high performance. This pipe is non-corrosive and non-reactive to chemicals. This pipe has quality check which ensures that there are no complaints in the product. This pipe is very effective as well as economical to use.

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